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My Professional Coach Training in Detail

To get to the point:

   -  A 400-hour training course over one academic year
   -  Supervised by academics, psychologists, trainers, coaches and lecturers
    - University diploma awarded after defense of a research paper
    - Rich training / diversity of speakers and approaches
    - Very selective admission criteria

I have chosen to propose the details of the training that I followed in order to show its seriousness, I followed this training in 2004, the teaching staff has of course evolved, but its program, its content and its duration have not fundamentally changed.

This professional training of more than 400 hours, (variable according to the duration of the training course), allows the obtaining of a University diploma after the defense of a research thesis.

The DESU "Human Resources - Coaching" that I followed has been renamed "Coaching Practices" and here is its description:
(text extracted from the description on the website of the University of Paris 8)

Coaching practices - DESU
Type of diploma: DESU (Diploma of Higher Education)


1. Presentation of the course
2. Objectives
3. Admission criteria
4. General Information
5. Content of the course
6. Teaching methods
7. Validation of the courses
8. Diploma issued
9. Pedagogical team


1. Presentation of the training

The DESU "Coaching Practices" offers training to people working or wishing to work in the fields of management, human resources, counselling or personal development. It provides a solid theoretical, methodological and practical reference in the field of coaching in the various fields of practice of this activity: in companies or on a personal basis, individually or in teams, etc. With a pedagogy centered on the practical application and mastery of techniques, the DESU "Coaching Practices" validates the appropriation of in-depth knowledge and know-how, guaranteeing a high level of professionalization.

The teaching team of the DESU is made up of teacher-researchers in psychology and human sciences as well as confirmed and recognized coaches who have been specialized for many years in the helping relationship, personal development, management and human resources management within organizations.

2. Objectives

* To understand the processes involved in the coaching process, to develop a practice that respects ethics and is based on solid theoretical knowledge;
* To acquire tools, techniques and effective methodologies for coaching practice in the fields of human resources management and personal development.

At the end of the training, the trainees will be able to elaborate and then conduct an efficient coaching system, adapted to the request and the needs of the beneficiary(ies) and, if necessary, of the third party prescriber.

3. Admission criteria

The admission to this training is done :

* either on the basis of a degree (bachelor's degree from a French university or equivalent diploma) and proof of at least 3 years of professional experience in the field of human resources, support, training or helping relationships, as well as work on oneself;
* or on validation of professional and personal experience: the VAPP (decree of 85) can be granted to people who do not meet the above-mentioned conditions, after presentation of their motivations, interests, experiences, and study of the coherence of their professional project (fill in the VAPP file if necessary);

In both cases, after examination and selection of the application file, then an interview with members of the teaching staff.

4. General information

* Duration: 419 h. (59 days) including 250 h. of teaching (35 days) + 147 h. (21 days) of practical training + 22 hours of exams and defense (3 days)

* Training location: Paris - Saint-Lazare district

* Year of creation: 2003

Training action registered in the partnership of the Fongecif Ile-de-France in the respect of quality criteria


5. Content of the training

Module 1

Theoretical contributions to the coaching process [91 h]

* General definition of the coaching process. Birth and history of coaching. The different types of coaching, the sectors of coaching. Differences between coaching and other methods of support (counseling, psychotherapy, skills assessment, etc.),
* The pragmatics of communication and the language acts; articulation with the question of the interview and listening,
* The theories of motivation,
* Transference and counter-transference,
* Theories of personality and coaching,
* Stress, stress management, coping,
* Decision-making processes,
* Authority, power and leadership,
* Group dynamics, teamwork, conflict,
* Interculturality and identifying the point of view of people from other cultures,
* Communication strategies,
* Systems thinking,
* Change from the perspective of organizational sociology,
* Learning, development and internalization processes, metacognition,
* Structuring and planning of the activity,
* Coaching and the meaning of the individual's activity.

Module 2

Principles and general methodology of coaching [31.5 h]

Professional positioning and ethics of the coach

* Identity and posture of the coach. Porter's attitudes, respective roles of the coach and the coachee. Finding and maintaining the right distance,
* Rules of ethics and deontology related to the practice of coaching,
* Supervision and coaching,
* Contraindications to coaching.

The phases of coaching

* Analysis of the request for coaching: individual, personal, team, company prescriber,
* Systemic analysis of the coachee's environment,
* From the request to the objective and its evaluation: practical examples of structures and phases of coaching devices.

Basic coaching techniques

* Questioning techniques: chaining, reformulation, maieutics,
* Listening techniques,
* Confrontation techniques: feedback, reframing, provocation, silence,
* Techniques of storytelling and metaphors,
* Techniques of task prescription,
* Techniques of mental flexibility.

Module 3

Individual coaching practice (personal and corporate) [80,5 h]
(alternating techniques, case studies and role playing)
Practice of the coaching interview

* Establishing an efficient relational mode in a coaching situation: setting up a relationship, attitude, phasing, setting up a communication contract,
* The individual interview: the different types of interview, their respective advantages and disadvantages, the fundamentals of the effective conduct of an interview,
* Methodology for conducting a coaching interview. Study of examples of individual sessions.

Process of accompanying change in coaching

* Adjustment of the modes of reasoning and functioning to the different contexts,
* Assertiveness training: adjustment of personal assertiveness according to the context, communication strategies,
* Development of the decision-making process and efficiency.

Help in the implementation of strategies by the coachee

* Assistance in the elaboration and implementation of the professional project: (re)definition of the career project and role, identification of strengths and limits, identification of professional implications; construction of a coherent action plan allowing to reach the set goal,
* Articulation between life project and professional project,
* Support in taking on new responsibilities and setting up an appropriate system,
* Analysis of inter and intra-personal conflicts and problem solving,
* Implementation of a stress management process.

Module 4

Practice of team coaching [42 h]
(alternating techniques, case studies and role playing)

* Analysis of interaction processes in a team coaching situation (Analysis of roles and positions, identification of obstacles and levers. Systemic analysis of group functioning),
* Conflict management and critical situations within work groups,
Management of conflicts and critical situations within work groups, * Management of inter-culturality within the team,
* Establishment of leadership, positioning of the manager in front of his team.
Module 5

Supervision of the dissertation and the internship/practice [27 h]
Supervision is provided by a "methodological tutor" and a "professional referent", both members of the DESU teaching team.

Supervision of the dissertation: collective course on methodology, seminars in small groups and individual interviews.
Supervision of the professional internship / practice: seminars in small groups.

6. Teaching methods

* Theoretical and methodological teaching,
* Case studies, critical analysis and construction of practice guidelines,
* Practical application work, role-playing, simulations,
* Supervised practical training / practice,
* Supervised professional thesis,

7. Validation of the courses

* Attendance to the lessons, supervisions and practical internship,
* Knowledge control by written and/or oral tests,
* Writing of a professional theoretical-practical dissertation and defense before a jury.

8. Diploma awarded

The diploma awarded is a University Graduate Diploma (DESU)

9. Teaching team

As an example, here are the details of the professionals who supervise this training in 2011:

Steering Committee :

* Odile BERNHARDT, business and personal coach,
* Marie-Carmen CASTILLO, lecturer in clinical psychology, University of Paris 8,
* Samuel DEMARCHI, lecturer in social psychology, University of Paris 8,
* Annamaria Lammel, lecturer in intercultural psychology,
* Michel MORAL, doctor of psychology, psychologist, corporate and individual coach,
* Michaël PICHAT, lecturer in developmental psychology, University of Paris 8,
* Nabil TAK-TAK, consultant, trainer, business and personal coach.

Academics :

* Marie-Carmen CASTILLO,
* Samuel DEMARCHI,
* Nathalie DURIEZ, clinical psychologist, lecturer in clinical psychology at the IED, Paris 8 University,
* Frank JAMET, lecturer in developmental psychology, University of Cergy-Pontoise,
* Annamaria Lammel,
* Michel MORAL,
* Line NUMA-BOCAGE, lecturer UPJV/IUFM, Académie d'Amiens
* Michaël PICHAT,
* Frédéric ROUSSEAU, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, lecturer in developmental and educational psychology, Paris 8 University,
* Emmanuel SANDER, lecturer in developmental and educational psychology, University of Paris 8,
* Anastasia TOLLIOU, psychologist


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Practice founded in 2004.
Website and content redesigned in 2012.
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